Services for entreprises Rue St-Jean, Vieux-Québec - Crédit: Chantal Gagnon

Key sectors

Applied technologies

Economic development and technology transfers

Good ideas deserve to be shared! That’s why POLE does everything in its power to foster the largest possible number of technology transfers and development partnerships between companies and research centres.

  • We promote R&D initiatives undertaken by public research centres.
  • We encourage businesses to get involved in these projects.
  • We are organizing a matchmaking program and pre-competitive research consortium.

Contact us for information on a wide range of available opportunities.

Our partners

PÔLE Québec Chaudière-Appalaches

1175, Lavigerie avenue, suite 300, Quebec (Quebec), G1V 4P1
Telephone : 418-681-9700 Fax : 418-681-1535

Policies of confidentiality and refunding (in french)