When: |
5 octobre 2006 - October 5th 2006 |
Ch�teau Frontenac, salle Jacques-Cartier
Ch�teau Frontenac, room Jacques Cartier |
BioLicensing est l��v�nement qui permettra de faciliter le transfert technologique entre compagnies pharmaceutiques et centres de recherche. Pour ce faire, un agent de transfert technologique pr�sentera aux compagnies pharmaceutiques pr�sentes les meilleures technologies offertes dans son institution de recherche. Au total, 15 centres de recherches seront pr�sents ce qui permettra de conna�tre plus de 30 technologies. Pour plus d'informations et incription, cliquez ici. BioLicensing presents this year a technology transfer day for Life Sciences companies who are looking for real opportunities of business or partnerships. More than 15 Quebec�s research centers will introduce their best of class technologies in their portfolio. Officers of Technology Transfer will present the commercial potential of their technologies. Also, the searchers involved will be there for further discussions. You could join these persons immediately after its presentation or schedule a meeting that could take place in the following hours in a room especially reserved for this purpose. For more informations and registration, click here.