Information Center
MISSION The mission of P�LE Qu�bec Chaudi�re-Appalaches is to catalyze economic development efforts in targeted business sectors so that the Qu�bec Chaudi�re-Appalaches Economic ZONE may achieve world-class status through increased competitiveness and thereby enrich collective wealth.
- UNDERSTAND the dynamics driving current market trends from the business point of view
- DIAGNOSE business� strengths, weaknesses and sources of competitive edge
- Help POSITION businesses on the key factors required for success in their specific sector
- PREPARE, EQUIP and COACH businesses and business leaders in developing their relations with institutions and governments
A SHORT HISTORY OF P�LE P�LE Qu�bec Chaudi�re-Appalaches
is a strategy-minded organization active in economic development. P�LE Qu�bec Chaudi�re-Appalaches
resulted from the merging of four prominent organizations in the Economic ZONE:
- Cit� de l�optique (Qu�bec Optics City)
- �mergence Entrepreneur
- GATIQ (Groupe d�action pour l�avancement technologique et industriel de la r�gion de Qu�bec�Chaudi�re-Appalaches )
- SPEQM (Greater Qu�bec Economic Development Corporation)
In 2002, following the mergers of all municipalities in the greater Qu�bec City area, provincial and municipal authorities, along with the business community agreed to create this new, dynamic structure, in step with the times.
Target sectors |
Goal and strategic directions of P�LE Qu�bec Chaudi�re-Appalaches:
- Prioritize target sectors; pool sector resources
- Deploy strategy surrounding target sectors
- Drum up support and business in target sectors
- Coordinate development around specific, regional actions
Priority sectors of P�LE Qu�bec Chaudi�re-Appalaches:
- Life sciences, health and nutrition
- Processed materials
- Applied technologies
For further information about P�LE's priorities, you may consult our publication about target sectors as well as excerpts from our strategic reflection document. |
Sector task force |
For each sector, an advisory task force devises strategies according to the main issues and challenges identified in order to promote growth and improve the co-ordination of services offered sector members. P�LE Qu�bec Chaudi�re-Appalaches also acts in the capacity of facilitator among actors, decision-makers and various regional partners involved in the zone�s economic development. |