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Business Partners


Productivity and innovation services for
the Capitale Nationale region
The �Productivity Club�

The “Productivity Club” was created for the purpose of gathering manufacturing leaders and staff members involved in a structured process of analyzing and increasing their business’ productivity. The mission of the “Productivity Club” is to encourage, promote and support businesses in implementing best business practices with the objective of increasing their profitability and competitiveness through improved output performance

The objectives of this association are to:

  • Provide a place of information-gathering, mutual support, stock-taking and motivation through the sharing of concerns, questions and experiences
  • Provide a place of learning and advanced training through the use of business testimonials, visits at model businesses and discussions with authorities in the field
  • Provide a place for validating certain strategies before making a decision (“sounding board”)
  • In addition, a consultant is available to provide one-on-one coaching during the completion of a productivity project. This coaching will serve, from the outset, to identify a solution implementation project in order to augment the business’s value-added production

Examples of qualifying projects

  • Plant set-up
  • Production cell
  • Time and movement study
  • Preventive maintenance
  • “5 S’s” workplace organization
  • Response time improvement
  • Waste elimination

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