Performa - Marketing : Approche centr�e client
Quand : |
18 septembre 2007 |
Où :
Chateau Frontenac
Salle Place D'Armes
1, rue des Carri�res
Qu�bec (Qu�bec) G1R 4P5 |
Bill Aulet,
MIT Entrepreneurship Center
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Introduction and Overview (Desired Outcomes of this Program)
- Situational Analysis I
- Review of current status of attending companies� business,
marketing plans and operations
- Interactive SWOT
- Results will influence priorities
- Critical Success Factors in Entrepreneurial Marketing
- Entrepreneurial Marketing Framework Process
- Technology Push vs. Market Pull
- Choosing How to Compete
- Overview of Marketing Plan
- Sensable Technologies and Brontes Technologies Case Studies
- The �Crossing the Chasm� challenge in high technology and
how to make it a positive for you
- Concrete and detailed examples of how to successfully build
customer focused companies from a technology base
- The importance of stages of growth for a new venture and how
marketing relates to exit strategies
- Testimony of a local entrepreneur (lunch time)
Raynald Bourassa, OmegaChem
- Visage Case Study
- How to turnaround a company with its an existing course and
- The importance of hearing what the customer is really saying and
not what you want to hear
- Commerce Bank Case Study
- How to produce superior performance through properly focused
marketing and sales
- How to develop an execution plan that fully supports the
strategy, with full alignment throughout the company with
respect to customers, products and employees
- How to achieve differentiation and market power, even in the
most difficult situations
S�minaire uniquement en langue anglaise Autres formations � venir :
Personne ressource:
[email protected]
(418) 681.9700 poste 222
8h15 � 17h30 |
COÛT : |
450 $ plus taxes (d�ner et stationnement inclus) |